Super Cooper2017-08-10T17:20:55+00:00

Super Cooper (Camp Runamuck Mascot)

Briefly describe your experience and education:

I am a yellow lab who was rescued from Save a Lab Rescue. I have experience in cuddling, nudging, and begging for belly rubs. I only have three legs due to an accident that happened before I was adopted.

Why do you love speech therapy?

Kids are really nice to me and they talk to me. I’ve learned that even though I can’t talk, I can still communicate.

What are your passions outside of work?

Chewing on bones, chasing bunnies in the yard, cuddling with my family

What are three words someone would use to describe you?

Tripod, Goofy, Gentle

If you could be any animal what would it be?

A big slobbery Labrador retriever

What is your guilty pleasure?

Sneaking food off the counter, Sleeping on the couch