School Services
Our staff is often available to assist in filling a need for services within a school program. We have an excellent track record of working as partners with schools to provide the highest quality of therapy possible. We have the staff and resources to fill in for maternity leave, medical leave, and for ESY programs. References for such work can be furnished.
Professional Development
Miracle Farm Speech Therapy staff are also available for professional development trainings. Most often, we are hired by daycares and preschools to provide information regarding speech and language development, as well as the referral process and how to integrate speech and language skills within play and the classroom setting. Our current presentations are as follows:
Speech and Language Therapy: The Basics
Let’s Have Fun! Integrating Speech and Language Development into Play
Get Out! Integrating Speech and Language Development into Outdoor Play Activities
Please contact Miracle Farm Speech Therapy if you have any questions regarding professional development presentations.