Jamie Camello
Briefly describe your experience and education.
I just recently graduated from the University of New Hampshire with my Masters in Communication Sciences and Disorders and am currently completing my clinical fellowship as a Speech Language Pathologist here at Miracle Farm Speech Therapy! I have worked in schools, private practices, and clinics throughout college and knew that I wanted to work with kids! I am so happy to be here at MFST.
Why do you love speech therapy?
I love speech therapy because everyday is different. I love working with kids and knowing that what I’m doing is making an impact in their lives. I love how creative speech therapy can be while still being fun and impactful. I am so lucky I get to do this everyday!
What are your passions outside of work?
I have the absolute best family and friends and I love spending time with them. I also love to travel, ski, and walk and swim at the beach. We are so lucky to live close to the ocean and I try to take advantage of that everyday!
What are three words someone would use to describe you?
Silly, loving, and happy 🙂
If you could be any animal what would it be?
I would be a butterfly, because it would be fun to fly around!
What is your guilty pleasure?
Aroma Joe’s Rushes (blue raspberry, strawberry, and pomegranate)