Professional Development2018-03-07T19:14:21+00:00

Miracle Farm Speech Therapy is happy to announce their Professional Development presentations that are currently being offered! We provide on-site trainings for daycares and preschools that care for the infant through kindergarten population. Review the descriptions below and please contact Allison at 978-771-7485 or Allison@miraclefarmtherapy.com to inquire about cost and to schedule your presentation!

Speech and Language Therapy: The Basics.

In this presentation learn about developmental milestones and “red flags” related to speech and language development from infancy through age five. The referral and evaluation process will be discussed as well as trusted resources you can access to reference a child’s speech and language development. Miracle Farm Speech Therapy staff will also bring games and activities and discuss how they support speech and language skills in your classroom.

Let’s Have Some Fun! Integrating Speech and Language Development in Play.

In this presentation, learn about the importance of play in speech and language development, developmental stages of play and benchmarks to look for. Games and activities that target each area of play development will be discussed and participants will have a hands-on opportunity to check out all the toys!

Get Out! Integrating Speech and Language Development in Outdoor Play and Nature Based Activities.

This presentation will discuss the importance of outdoor play, movement and creativity and how it supports speech and language development. Miracle Farm Speech Therapy staff will highlight how to integrate specific speech and language skills for ages birth to five in outdoor games and activities. With picture and video examples given, participants will leave with new and inspiring ideas to get kids outside to play, building skills such as sequencing, following directions, problem solving, social communication, speech sound awareness and more.

We look forward to working with you!

Miracle Farm Speech Therapy Staff