Fall Lecture Series, 2018

Miracle Farm Speech Therapy, LLC will be offering the following lectures at our office locations this fall. These lecture series have been a great resource for preschool and elementary school teachers as well as therapists and parents. The cost for each lecture is $10 per person and you can pay at the door. Each attendee will receive a signed certificate of attendance for continuing education credit.


Lecture 1: Using Music in the Classroom to Enhance Learning

This lecture will give hands on instruction on how to use music in the classroom to increase:

-Attention and following directions

-Impulse Control

-Receptive and Expressive Language

-Physical/Motor Skills

-Social Skills

Presented by: Marie Miller, Neurologic Music Therapist

The Rhythm Tree


Offered on two dates:

Wednesday, September 19                           Wednesday, September 26

6:30-8:00 PM                                                    6:30-8:30 PM

Miracle Farm Speech Therapy         &        Miracle Farm Speech Therapy

105 Lafayette Rd.                                             145 Newburyport Turnpike

Hampton Falls, NH 03844                           Rowley, MA



Lecture 2: Importance of Core Strengthening for Fine Motor Development and how to integrate this into a Busy Preschool Classroom


Amy Wheadon, Occupational Therapist and Owner of Kidstrong Occupational Therapy, will present on this topic and provide valuable information to incorporate into your classroom. This lecture is being offered in our Rowley location only.


Wednesday, October 24th

7-8:30 PM

145 Newburyport Turnpike, Suite A-8

Rowley, MA


Please Register by contacting Joanne Hanson MS, CCC-SLP (Owner of Miracle Farm Speech Therapy, LLC) either by email: [email protected]

Or 603-918-1298

Download pdf of Lecture Series 

******Please check out our website for updated information on more lectures and follow us on Facebook @MiracleFarmTherapy
