Miracle Farm Blog
Fun with an Inner Tube!
Look what fun can be had with an inner tube and a bunch of dried rice and beans. We put this in our office so that our clients could benefit from the bouncing and pressure of the tube while lying in prone and searching for items that we hid inside.
Fun Halloween Activities
Halloween Obstacle Course: Set up some props such as a witch hat, a pumpkin, a bucket, a plastic spider, and a mask. Spread them around a room or out around the yard. Ask your child/student if they would like an easy, medium, or challenge direction. You can proceed to give
Bring on the Brain Games
It sure has been a long winter here in New England, and it doesn’t seem like the end is in sight yet. Although building snowmen, enjoying sledding and launching snowball fights can be a lot of fun, it’s difficult to spend much time outside in this frigid New England weather.
Holiday Gift Guide
The holidays are just around the corner–can you believe it? It’s the time of year when many of the families with whom we work ask for recommendations of toys, games, and creative gifts that are fun for kids, but also help develop motor and/or speech and language skills. In our
Fun with a laundry basket
The laundry basket is one of my favorite tools to use in therapy. For toddlers (primarily ages 12 mos- 3 years) this is a great technique for helping them stay organized, and therefore able to access their speech and language. Many times when small children present with sensory integrative disorder